100% Achievement Completed Games: 23 (2 Bugged)
- 7 Days To Die
-Crime Scene Cleaner
-Half Life 2
-Fallout 4 and Dlc
-Torchlight 2
-Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage
-Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior
-Zombie Party
-Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist
-Estranged: Act I
-The Monster Inside
-A Date In The Park
-Battle Bruise
-Golf Extreme
-Tesla vs Lovecraft
-There's Poop In My Soup
-Hyper Knights
-Iron Brigade
-Command and Conquer Remaster (Bugged Final Achievement)
-Dinosaur Puzzle (Didn't count for some reason)
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