Add me in discord if u want (using alt for now)
Main: kurt_y
Alt: y_truk
I want metal gear rising vengeance also
Message me in my profile if you're about to unfriend me thanks for being good friends
Don't fall in love
trading 1 key for 70-69 refined metal
trading 1 key (and 1 reclaimed) metal for (breakneck baggies) blighted beak and brusaiders bandanna
If you see a girl named zoeytaps tell her im sorry
Hi my name is Kurt im a child that has depression because of school thats why im depressed i wanna die and im also going insane suicidal too
Kurt (Kurt) #7400 (discord name)
the man that gifted me a premium acc in tf2 changed my life
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called present. -Master Oogway
Grandfather died in november 1 2021
my dog is dead rest in peace donut and parvo
gonna hang my self at 35
i am depressed and im suicidal (sometimes i think about suicidal)
This user has also played as:
Master Oogway
This user has also played as:
Kurt (depressed)
Kurt (B-day Today)
Kurt (sad)
Demo Shark
Jotaro Kujo
Ryuko Matoi
stop going thru
DBD Hong Kong Cone
Bruisers Bandanna
Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Multi Class x5
Thrilling Tracksuit
just stop.
my waifu is Yaoyorozu,Ryuko Matoi Exusiai
MHA Kill La Kill Arknights
end my life
i am very depressed