My Trade URL:-🔥 On Steam Since 20th May 2016
Bday: 13th March
Snapchat: hussainnn13
Instagram: hussain.bhavnagar
Very Usefull CS:GO Console Commands For Better GamePlay And FPS.
viewmodel_recoil "0"
mat_monitorgamma "1.6"
r_dynamic "0"
net_graph 1
net_graphproportionalfont 0
cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0"
zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "0.818933027098955175"
muzzleflash_light "0"
cl_radar_always_centered "0"
cl_radar_scale "0.6"
r_eyegloss "0"; r_eyemove "0"; r_eyeshift_x "0"; r_eyeshift_y "0"; r_eyeshift_z "0"; r_eyesize "0"
bind shift "+speed; r_cleardecals"
bind space "+jump; r_cleardecals"
bind 6 "use weapon_c4; drop"
bind f4 "buy flashbang; buy smokegrenade; buy flashbang; buy incgrenade"
CS:GO Launch Options For Better FPS And Better GamePlay.
-novid -high -console -nojoy -nosplash -d3d9ex -processheap -noaafont +mat_hdr_level 0 +mat_queue_mode 2 +cl_forcepreload 1 +fps_max 0 +cl_interp 0 +cl_interp_ratio 1 -refresh 240 -threads 8 +cl_updaterate 128 +cl_cmdrate 128 +rate 128000
PUBG Launch Options For Better FPS And Better GamePlay.
-USEALLAVAILABLECORES -mat_antialias 0 -KoreanRating -high -refresh 240