Item class instances

Vintage Crusader's Crossbow

Class IDInstance IDNameLowdown
174795973 11040547 Vintage Crusader's Crossbow Quality: Vintage, Tradable: No, Marketable: No
174819305 11040547 ''The Booster Shot'' Quality: Vintage
174819305 1363834779 ''The Booster Shot'' Quality: Vintage
174823121 11040547 ''Healer's Antipode'' Quality: Vintage
174824651 11040559 Vintage Crusader's Crossbow Quality: Vintage
175275580 11040547 Vintage Crusader's Crossbow Quality: Vintage
175399107 11040547 ''Pointed Commentary'' Quality: Vintage
175648070 11040547 ''The SHINYBOW'' Quality: Vintage, Tradable: No, Marketable: No
175817280 11040547 ''The Boss Crow'' Quality: Vintage
175915897 11040547 ''Kreuzritter Arbalest'' Quality: Vintage
176029701 11040547 ''Idiot's Crossbow of Noob Smiting'' Quality: Vintage
176230175 11040559 ''Antyczne Ustrojstwo'' Quality: Vintage
176718140 11040547 ''The Soul Thief's Bipolar Needle Launcher'' Quality: Vintage
176867158 11040547 ''Mordulock's Dusty Hunting Cross-Bow'' Quality: Vintage, Tradable: No, Marketable: No
177645432 11040547 ''매직딜도 발사기'' Quality: Vintage
177988759 11040547 ''HAITI'S HEALTHCARE'' Quality: Vintage, Tradable: No, Marketable: No
178838928 11040559 ''EAT SHIT AND DIE'' Quality: Vintage
179954829 11040547 ''Vintage Dildo Evactuator'' Quality: Vintage
181618619 11040547 ''D+D 3.5 Potion Crossbow'' Quality: Vintage
182880502 11040547 ''Red Cross Bow Shield'' Quality: Vintage
183525559 11040547 Vintage Crusader's Crossbow Quality: Vintage
184002864 11040547 ''Убийственный арбалет'' Quality: Vintage, Tradable: No, Marketable: No
185559893 11040547 ''The Pain Killer'' Quality: Vintage, Tradable: No, Marketable: No
186365560 11040547 ''Crusyringe Crossgun'' Quality: Vintage
187858793 11040559 ''VINTAGE VINTAGE VINTAGE VINTAGE VINTAGE'' Quality: Vintage
191742515 11040547 ''Peacemaker'' Quality: Vintage
209846413 11040547 ''MEDIC'S FAVOURITE'' Quality: Vintage, Tradable: No, Marketable: No
211793454 11040559 ''Vintage Gooby Pls'' Quality: Vintage
233782154 11040547 ''You already dead?'' Quality: Vintage
242202404 11040547 Vintage Crusader's Crossbow Quality: Vintage
247713295 11040547 ''Spritzenphobikers Albtraum'' Quality: Vintage
261223569 11040547 Vintage Crusader's Crossbow Quality: Vintage
262132679 11040547 ''「パスウェイジョンニードル」 ("Persuasion Needle")'' Quality: Vintage
263616715 607430168 Loaded Giftapult Quality: Unique, Contents: Vintage Crusader's Crossbow, Tradable: No, Marketable: No
263715010 11040547 ''Prostate Exam'' Quality: Vintage, Tradable: No, Marketable: No
264277637 11040547 ''Нагибатор'' Quality: Vintage
266726850 11040559 ''dedly akurate'' Quality: Vintage
266726850 1363835289 ''dedly akurate'' Quality: Vintage
267008980 11040547 ''Vintage Cutie Mark Crusader's Crossbow'' Quality: Vintage
300307753 11040547 ''This Sucks'' Quality: Vintage, Tradable: No, Marketable: No
346886884 11040559 ''Rancor'' Quality: Vintage
372032163 11040547 ''Dr. Zed's Portable Clinic'' Quality: Vintage
378972447 11040547 ''Crossbauss!'' Quality: Vintage
458406223 11040547 ''Going Medieval on yo' Ass'' Quality: Vintage
465115356 11040547 ''AIMBOW.HAX'' Quality: Vintage, Tradable: No, Marketable: No
480073656 11040547 ''Yandere'' Quality: Vintage
483430355 11040547 ''The Good or Naughty Crossbow'' Quality: Vintage
492773456 11040559 ''I used to be wounded like you'' Quality: Vintage
514431102 11040559 ''Brain Damage'' Quality: Vintage
514431102 1363835289 ''Brain Damage'' Quality: Vintage