
Team Fortress 2


Unusual Professional Killstreak Cookie Fortress Sniper Rifle (Minimal Wear) (Isotope)


Unusual Specialized Killstreak Bomb Carrier Powerjack (Well-Worn) (Cool)

USD Valuation
  • $38.50 (962.5 refined, 18.87 key)

Strange Festivized Specialized Killstreak Bomb Carrier Stickybomb Launcher (Minimal Wear)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $8.00 (200 refined, 3.92 key)

Unusual Trapper's Flap (Scorching Flames)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $260.00 (6500 refined, 127.45 key)

Unusual Bone Cone (Global Clusters)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $232.04 (5801 refined, 113.74 key)

Strange Professional Killstreak Bovine Blazemaker Flame Thrower (Minimal Wear)


Festivized Killstreak Hypergon Shotgun (Minimal Wear)

USD Valuation
  • $1.67 (41.75 refined)
  • Steam Market: $1.68 (42 refined)

Unusual Professional Killstreak Mechanized Monster Iron Bomber (Well-Worn) (Isotope)


Unusual Professional Killstreak Portal Plastered Crusader's Crossbow (Well-Worn) (Hot)

USD Valuation
  • $38.00 (950 refined, 18.62 key)
  • Steam Market: $64.00 (1600 refined, 31.37 key)

Strange Specialized Killstreak Bloom Buffed Loch-n-Load (Factory New)

USD Valuation
  • $1.99 (49.75 refined)

Unusual Head Prize (Moth Plague)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $955.12 (23878 refined, 468.19 key)

Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Skull Study Tomislav (Battle Scarred)

USD Valuation
  • $19.00 (475 refined, 9.31 key)
  • Skinport: $17.57 (439.25 refined, 8.61 key)
  • Steam Market: $18.41 (460.25 refined, 9.02 key)

Strange Professional Killstreak Sky Stallion Loch-n-Load (Factory New)


Unusual Bomb Carrier Rocket Launcher (Well-Worn) (Isotope)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $53.30 (1332.5 refined, 26.12 key)

Unusual Larrikin Robin (Neutron Star)

USD Valuation
  • Internal: $221.87 (5546.75 refined, 108.75 key)
  • Steam Market: $23.54 (588.5 refined, 11.53 key)

Strange Unusual Bat Hat (Prismatic Pine)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $57.45 (1436.25 refined, 28.16 key)

Festivized Bonzo Gnawed Flame Thrower (Factory New)


Unusual Propaniac (The Bone Zone)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $165.06 (4126.5 refined, 80.91 key)

Professional Killstreak Damascus and Mahogany Air Strike (Factory New)

USD Valuation
  • $21.97 (549.25 refined, 10.76 key)

Unusual Professional Killstreak Sunriser Medi Gun (Factory New) (Isotope)

USD Valuation
  • $197.00 (4925 refined, 96.56 key)

Unusual Caribou Companion (Revenant's Rack)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $36.40 (910 refined, 17.84 key)

Unusual Big Country (Death at Dusk)

USD Valuation
  • Internal: $237.72 (5943 refined, 116.52 key)
  • Steam Market: $24.13 (603.25 refined, 11.82 key)

Unusual Festivized Professional Killstreak Organ-ically Hellraised Shahanshah (Field-Tested) (Hot)


Specialized Killstreak Sacred Slayer Shotgun (Field-Tested)

USD Valuation
  • $1.00 (25 refined)
  • Steam Market: $1.60 (40 refined)

Unusual Festivized Professional Killstreak Cream Corned Sniper Rifle (Battle Scarred) (Isotope)

USD Valuation
  • $69.99 (1749.75 refined, 34.30 key)

Strange Festivized Frost Ornamented Brass Beast (Well-Worn)


Killstreak Sunriser Powerjack (Factory New)


Strange Killstreak Secretly Serviced Bazaar Bargain (Minimal Wear)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $4.29 (107.25 refined, 2.10 key)

Unusual Secretly Serviced Ubersaw (Factory New) (Cool)


Unusual Professional Killstreak Alpine Crusader's Crossbow (Field-Tested) (Hot)

USD Valuation
  • $64.98 (1624.5 refined, 31.85 key)

Strange Festivized Sunriser Sniper Rifle (Minimal Wear)

USD Valuation
  • Skinport: $8.44 (211 refined, 4.13 key)
  • Steam Market: $7.07 (176.75 refined, 3.46 key)

Unusual Necromanced Rocket Launcher (Minimal Wear) (Isotope)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $161.60 (4040 refined, 79.21 key)

Unusual Racc Mann (Cloud 9)

USD Valuation
  • Internal: $156.89 (3922.25 refined, 76.90 key)
  • Steam Market: $129.47 (3236.75 refined, 63.46 key)

Strange Festivized Neon-ween Loch-n-Load (Field-Tested)


Strange Unusual Health and Hell War Paint (Well-Worn) (Isotope)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $195.94 (4898.5 refined, 96.04 key)

Festivized Sweet Toothed Powerjack (Minimal Wear)


Strange Unusual Woodsy Widowmaker SMG (Factory New) (Hot)


Unusual Beanie The All-Gnawing (Prettiest Star)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $29.29 (732.25 refined, 14.35 key)

Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Cookie Fortress Shahanshah (Minimal Wear)


Strange Festivized Park Pigmented Degreaser (Field-Tested)


Strange Professional Killstreak Bonzo Gnawed Disciplinary Action (Field-Tested)


Unusual Bomb Carrier Scattergun (Field-Tested) (Cool)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $38.90 (972.5 refined, 19.06 key)

Unusual A Hat to Kill For (Amygdala)

USD Valuation
  • $99.00 (2475 refined, 48.52 key)
  • Steam Market: $45.56 (1139 refined, 22.33 key)

Festivized Killstreak Civil Servant Mk.II Iron Bomber (Factory New)

USD Valuation
  • $0.01 (0.25 refined)

Strange Professional Killstreak Warborn Grenade Launcher (Factory New)


Specialized Killstreak Broken Bones Soda Popper (Minimal Wear)


Unusual Squatter's Right (Celestial Starburst)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $26.07 (651.75 refined, 12.77 key)

Festivized Specialized Killstreak Saccharine Striped Loch-n-Load (Minimal Wear)


Strange Professional Killstreak Spider Season Disciplinary Action (Field-Tested)


Unusual Professional Killstreak Team Serviced Rescue Ranger (Factory New) (Isotope)

USD Valuation
  • $53.08 (1327 refined, 26.01 key)

Unusual Festivized Professional Killstreak Glacial Glazed Rocket Launcher (Field-Tested) (Isotope)


Festivized Killstreak Organ-ically Hellraised Tomislav (Field-Tested)


Strange Specialized Killstreak Steel Brushed Flame Thrower (Minimal Wear)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $10.00 (250 refined, 4.90 key)

Unusual Specialized Killstreak Pumpkin Pied Tomislav (Well-Worn) (Hot)


Strange Festivized Killstreak Bomb Carrier Shotgun (Minimal Wear)

USD Valuation
  • $3.00 (75 refined, 1.47 key)

Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Iron Wood Mk.II Rescue Ranger (Minimal Wear)

USD Valuation
  • $19.99 (499.75 refined, 9.79 key)

Unusual Victorian Villainy (Revenant's Rack)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $93.58 (2339.5 refined, 45.87 key)

Professional Killstreak Helldriver Loose Cannon (Field-Tested)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $8.64 (216 refined, 4.23 key)

Professional Killstreak Snowflake Swirled Wrench (Factory New)


Strange Professional Killstreak Leopard Printed Winger (Field-Tested)

USD Valuation
  • $0.50 (12.5 refined)

Strange Professional Killstreak Tiger Buffed Family Business (Factory New)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $29.48 (737 refined, 14.45 key)

Strange Sunriser Wrench (Factory New)


Unusual Colonel Kringle (Mountain Halo)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $82.13 (2053.25 refined, 40.25 key)

Killstreak Sky Stallion Jag (Field-Tested)


Unusual Sunriser Stickybomb Launcher (Factory New) (Isotope)


Unusual Specialized Killstreak Mechanized Monster Iron Bomber (Field-Tested) (Isotope)


Unusual Fried Batter (Lunar Lights)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $20.10 (502.5 refined, 9.85 key)

Unusual Thunder Dome (Orbiting Fire)

USD Valuation
  • Internal: $17.43 (435.75 refined, 8.54 key)
  • Steam Market: $20.53 (513.25 refined, 10.06 key)

Unusual Professional Killstreak Portal Plastered Flame Thrower (Factory New) (Isotope)


Unusual King Cardbeard (Natural Lights)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $27.29 (682.25 refined, 13.37 key)

Strange Unusual Galvanized Gibus (Sunbeams)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $62.31 (1557.75 refined, 30.54 key)

Strange Professional Killstreak Eyestalker Panic Attack (Minimal Wear)


Unusual Professional Killstreak Leopard Printed Shotgun (Field-Tested) (Cool)


Unusual Festivized Professional Killstreak Smissmas Spycrabs Tomislav (Field-Tested) (Cool)


Unusual Killstreak Gifting Mann's Wrapping Paper Shahanshah (Well-Worn) (Hot)


Unusual Killstreak Pacific Peacemaker Shotgun (Well-Worn) (Cool)


Strange Killstreak Pacific Peacemaker Shahanshah (Well-Worn)

USD Valuation
  • $0.52 (13 refined)

Strange Unusual Festivized Specialized Killstreak Bamboo Brushed Bazaar Bargain (Well-Worn) (Cool)


Strange Professional Killstreak Civil Servant Mk.II Degreaser (Factory New)


Strange Festivized Specialized Killstreak Gift Wrapped Wrench (Minimal Wear)

USD Valuation
  • $6.89 (172.25 refined, 3.37 key)
  • Steam Market: $4.09 (102.25 refined, 2.00 key)

Unusual Specialized Killstreak Sarsaparilla Sprayed Rocket Launcher (Field-Tested) (Hot)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $46.00 (1150 refined, 22.54 key)

Festivized Secretly Serviced Grenade Launcher (Field-Tested)


Festivized Secretly Serviced Stickybomb Launcher (Well-Worn)


Festivized Hana Pistol (Well-Worn)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $0.60 (15 refined)

Festivized Secretly Serviced Panic Attack (Field-Tested)


Strange Calavera Canvas Rescue Ranger (Battle Scarred)


Killstreak Yeti Coated Rescue Ranger (Field-Tested)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $0.23 (5.75 refined)

Unusual Festivized Cream Corned Minigun (Field-Tested) (Hot)


Unusual Professional Killstreak Bomb Carrier Shahanshah (Minimal Wear) (Cool)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $32.72 (818 refined, 16.03 key)

Unusual Specialized Killstreak Team Serviced Tomislav (Minimal Wear) (Cool)


Strange Festivized Bomber Soul Degreaser (Minimal Wear)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $5.75 (143.75 refined, 2.81 key)

Unusual Team Serviced Powerjack (Field-Tested) (Isotope)


Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Team Serviced Scotsman's Skullcutter (Factory New)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $5.01 (125.25 refined, 2.45 key)

Unusual Team Serviced Detonator (Field-Tested) (Hot)


Strange Star Crossed Detonator (Factory New)


Strange Professional Killstreak Fire Glazed Scorch Shot (Well-Worn)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $23.00 (575 refined, 11.27 key)

Strange Unusual Festivized Professional Killstreak Organ-ically Hellraised Scattergun (Field-Tested) (Hot)


Unusual Festivized Gift Wrapped Flame Thrower (Minimal Wear) (Isotope)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $97.53 (2438.25 refined, 47.80 key)

Unusual Festivized Professional Killstreak Hazard Warning Revolver (Minimal Wear) (Hot)


Unusual Red Rock Roscoe Pistol (Field-Tested) (Isotope)


Unusual Impact Impaler (Cloud 9)

USD Valuation
  • Internal: $28.52 (713 refined, 13.98 key)
  • Steam Market: $31.27 (781.75 refined, 15.32 key)

Strange Unusual Full Metal Helmet (Sakura Smoke Bomb)


Unusual Organ-ically Hellraised Tomislav (Battle Scarred) (Hot)


Unusual Vampire Vanquisher (Arachne's Web)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $25.45 (636.25 refined, 12.47 key)

Strange Unusual Brothers in Blues (Nuts n' Bolts)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $82.90 (2072.5 refined, 40.63 key)

Unusual Specialized Killstreak Team Serviced Shotgun (Factory New) (Cool)


Professional Killstreak Deadly Dragon Knife (Factory New)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $8.25 (206.25 refined, 4.04 key)

Festivized Professional Killstreak Broken Bones Shahanshah (Factory New)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $6.00 (150 refined, 2.94 key)

Specialized Killstreak Steel Brushed Medi Gun (Field-Tested)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $1.14 (28.5 refined)

Strange Unusual Field Practice (Malevolent Monoculi)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $105.00 (2625 refined, 51.47 key)

Professional Killstreak Bonzo Gnawed Sniper Rifle (Factory New)

USD Valuation
  • $49.99 (1249.75 refined, 24.50 key)

Professional Killstreak Fire Glazed Tomislav (Factory New)

USD Valuation
  • $40.00 (1000 refined, 19.60 key)

Unusual Sky High Fly Guy (Hellspawned Horns)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $18.19 (454.75 refined, 8.91 key)

Strange Sleighin' Style Family Business (Field-Tested)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $0.04 (1 refined)

Unusual Bonk Beanie (Blizzardy Storm)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $121.80 (3045 refined, 59.70 key)

Strange Unusual Merc Stained Pistol (Field-Tested) (Cool)


Unusual Geometrical Teams War Paint (Factory New) (Isotope)

USD Valuation
  • $149.65 (3741.25 refined, 73.35 key)
  • Steam Market: $111.65 (2791.25 refined, 54.73 key)

Unusual Ghoul Blaster War Paint (Battle Scarred) (Cool)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $257.36 (6434 refined, 126.15 key)

Unusual Sky Stallion Medi Gun (Minimal Wear) (Isotope)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $70.01 (1750.25 refined, 34.31 key)

Strange Unusual Specialized Killstreak Gourdy Green Sniper Rifle (Battle Scarred) (Cool)


Unusual Professional Killstreak Leopard Printed Powerjack (Minimal Wear) (Isotope)


Unusual Festivized Professional Killstreak Searing Souls Ubersaw (Field-Tested) (Hot)

USD Valuation
  • $20.00 (500 refined, 9.80 key)

Unusual Razor Cut (Phosphorous)

USD Valuation
  • Internal: $174.33 (4358.25 refined, 85.45 key)
  • Steam Market: $37.01 (925.25 refined, 18.14 key)

Unusual Polar Surprise War Paint (Well-Worn) (Isotope)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $35.19 (879.75 refined, 17.25 key)

Unusual Missing Piece (Icestruck)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $22.33 (558.25 refined, 10.94 key)

Unusual Trapper's Flap (Radiant Rivalry)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $260.00 (6500 refined, 127.45 key)

Unusual Bombard Brigadier (Jellyfish Field)

USD Valuation
  • $45.48 (1137 refined, 22.29 key)
  • Steam Market: $18.02 (450.5 refined, 8.83 key)

Unusual Festivized Killstreak Health and Hell Shotgun (Well-Worn) (Isotope)


Unusual Professional Killstreak Death Deluxe Medi Gun (Minimal Wear) (Cool)


Strange Festivized Professional Killstreak Glacial Glazed Revolver (Factory New)


Strange Specialized Killstreak Necromanced Brass Beast (Factory New)


Unusual Specialized Killstreak Horror Holiday Brass Beast (Field-Tested) (Hot)


Festivized Metalized Soul Panic Attack (Well-Worn)


Festivized Deadly Dragon Scorch Shot (Field-Tested)

USD Valuation
  • $1.40 (35 refined)

Killstreak Cream Corned Shotgun (Well-Worn)

USD Valuation
  • $1.00 (25 refined)

Festivized Hypergon Rocket Launcher (Field-Tested)

USD Valuation
  • $0.96 (24 refined)
  • Skinport: $0.12 (3 refined)
  • Steam Market: $0.62 (15.5 refined)

Festivized Health and Hell (Green) Wrench (Field-Tested)

USD Valuation
  • $1.20 (30 refined)
  • Steam Market: $2.25 (56.25 refined, 1.10 key)

Strange Festivized Health and Hell Revolver (Field-Tested)

USD Valuation
  • $2.00 (50 refined)

Festivized Sunriser Panic Attack (Well-Worn)

USD Valuation
  • $1.20 (30 refined)
  • Steam Market: $0.81 (20.25 refined)

Killstreak Spider's Cluster Flame Thrower (Minimal Wear)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $2.48 (62 refined, 1.21 key)

Killstreak Searing Souls Stickybomb Launcher (Minimal Wear)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $0.06 (1.5 refined)

Killstreak Backwoods Boomstick Mk.II Soda Popper (Minimal Wear)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $0.87 (21.75 refined)

Unusual Fire Fighter (Sixth Sense)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $23.28 (582 refined, 11.41 key)

Unusual Roaming Roman (Jellyfish Field)

USD Valuation
  • Steam Market: $22.59 (564.75 refined, 11.07 key)

Unusual Professional Killstreak Bloom Buffed Medi Gun (Factory New) (Hot)


Unusual Capo's Capper (Death at Dusk)

USD Valuation
  • Internal: $570.54 (14263.5 refined, 279.67 key)
  • Steam Market: $29.47 (736.75 refined, 14.44 key)

Unusual Health and Hell Degreaser (Field-Tested) (Hot)

USD Valuation
  • $37.97 (949.25 refined, 18.61 key)

Unusual Festivized Candy Coated Sniper Rifle (Minimal Wear) (Isotope)


Strange Secretly Serviced Reserve Shooter (Factory New)


Strange Unusual Professional Killstreak Spark of Life Medi Gun (Field-Tested) (Cool)

USD Valuation
  • $199.99 (4999.75 refined, 98.03 key)