The Wall of

ScOrPiOn : 1 shot running pre-fire UH HU.
ScOrPiOn : tell yourself that before you cheat
mesmeR_- : I hit you twice doe
ScOrPiOn : once
ScOrPiOn : bean can boy
.Jz- : about time you got a life
.Jz- : shoresy
*DEAD* Major Thom : people with a life out side of their computer*
*DEAD* Space_Invader : forsaken has wallhack?
Space_Invader : he has wallhack.. dont check corners
*DEAD* Bretty : I honestly don't think you're legit lol
*DEAD* Bretty : or maybe your 1.8k hours has given you a great shot and amazing map awareness but you still havent figured out how to use wasd
Most butthurt kiddo yet,
CARL POPPA: puts all people calling hacks on him on his profile to make fun of them when in reality hes a closet cheater haha
CARL POPPA: go download some more free cheats kid its obvious
Cause cheating in casual makes sense....*DEAD* Magic : odd
*DEAD* Magic : turn em off
Caldy : shark lock much
Caldy : I watched u lock on ppl's heads
Caldy : dont deny
Caldy : I watched u lol
mad cause he's played 1400 hours and is still trash
*DEAD* Olarnder : Jorry is cheating,m wall hacks
Quanta : someones not legit
lets ♥♥♥ dem : the fish is real
*DEAD* Steve : lol u just turn arouynd
Steve : nice walls buddy
*DEAD* SteEzy^v^ : lol
*DEAD* SteEzy^v^ : can you hide it
Supa z0mbIe.ins : ♥♥♥♥ u ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ wallin peace of ♥♥♥♥! lawls you dinked me 4 times therw box! ha gg!
Micheal : you were cal i lmao
Micheal : LMA
Micheal : O
bigbang : nice hacking
Regnar : Anyone else reporting joryyy for walling cause I am.
Regnar : Have fun being banned
*DEAD* Jägermeister : odd you are odd as ♥♥♥♥
*DEAD* Manager : odd is literally the only reason you guys won
<@Just4Fame|jory> <+TYRANNIZE`jukestep> Top Ringer Here
<@Just4Fame|Reinth> <+TYRANNIZE`jukestep> Top Ringer Here
<@Just4Fame|DevonMcallister> <+TYRANNIZE`jukestep> Top Ringer Here
<@Just4Fame|joe> <+TYRANNIZE`jukestep> Top Ringer Here
<@Just4Fame|jewishfantasies-1> <+TYRANNIZE`jukestep> Top Ringer Here
<@Just4Fame|Zephyr> <+TYRANNIZE`jukestep> Top Ringer Here
<+TYRANNIZE`jukestep> The immaturity of this community astounds me.
The Neon Order| Amirit? yarit
The Neon Order| yainorit yaunouritamirit?
The Neon Order| yaimrit word
The Neon Order| Fo sho
s9 Pointclick. 2nd cal-im
s10 Sky5/nefarious 22-1 cal m champs
s11 Skull Gaming cal-i/cevo m champs
s12 The unicorn warriors of the gumdrop forest under the sparkling waterfall of happyland cal-im champs
s10 Just4Fame US./eXe gaming cevo M 8-1