➤I am interested in: → Any Knife and Skins
→ Lowers float in the world stattrak factory New Skins or best wear available.
→ Any souvenir Awp Dragon Lore Factory New.
→ The best float in the world souvenir Factory New of any skin.
→ Any Souvenir Awp with KennyS signature.
If you want to trade, just simply add me and message me.

If I added you, it means I want to trade with you. Hoping we'll have a nice deal.

I don't keep any items on my inventory, please check my storage.

I don't add people I don't know on my storage.

I keep items on my storage account for safety purpose.

I know all of scams so don't waste time.

I am not in the habit of answering personal questions.

Disrespectful act will immediately have you reported/blocked.

You must agree with the terms and conditions I have on trading. If you can't, sorry but we won't be having a trade then.
I am a reputable trader, see it on below of my profile.
I have NEVER once taken money/skins without giving my counterpart what we agreed upon.
I am known in numerous trading groups/sites.
I have been trading for 12 Years now and have NEVER received a legitimate report.
I am known by big traders and gamblers in CS:GO.
IN NEED OF SAFETY We both undergo Item Verification by
SteamWorks Developer first just to have assurance if we are really trading safe items.
Why? Because I am awared of those bugged items which mostly can ruin such inventories once received and is spreading around on this trade community.
I'M REAL BEING CAREFUL. I will just send you the offer of the item we've dealed once I got the assurance from Steam Admin if the item I will be receiving from you is safe. I will never trade with you if you got those unsafe items.
This act is not just only for my own sake but as well as your safety. Any other way, if you can't go with this, I am not forcing you.
If you are wondering why I created this account for trading and not my main account directly, I am keeping my investments safe from all sorts of maliious acts like: bots, hijackers, virus links, bugged items, and so on.
If you have any questions or complaints about trading policies, or the privacy practices of Valve, please contact them. You may also contact Valve Corp. or Valve S.a.r.l. at the addresses below. Valve Corporation
P.O. Box 1688
➽If you're gonna add me, let me know the reason why before I'll delete/ignore/block you.
➽If you're gonna try to scam me, please don't waste your time for I ➽know all types of scamming.
➽I am not accepting any friend requests from private profiles.
➽Don't low ball me too much. I may be generous, but I may also be a stingy one. (Don't abuse me)
➽I am not in the habit of answering personal questions.
➽You must agree with the terms and conditions I have on trading. If you can't, I am not forcing you any way.
➽If I added you, it simply means I want to trade with what you got, and I hope we will have a good deal!
➽I don't accept private profiles. AUTO BLOCKED
➽Respect me as i respect you, be kind as I'm kind to you.
➽I will not tolerate trollers, If you are. REPORT/BLOCKED/DELETE
➽Don't waste my time. AUTOBLOCKED.
➽I don't give free items/games/cards/etc.
➽I have been a Paypal verified member since 2006.
➽I am Steam Guard Protected.