I DON'T accept random friend request, leave a message on my profile or on my reddit post if you're adding me for a trade or negotiation. Thank you :)
Trade link :
https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=10439266&token=egV1cRcJYouTube :
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmPojs2WO0yE0a-jCV8icZwTF2 Competitive Achievement:
- 1st place s5 etf2l div 6G
- 1st place s6 etf2l div 4B
- 3rd place s7 etf2l div 3B
- Open Winner s9 etf2l
Some good old memories

- AftɘrBurnɘR: "don't tell me a 10min blowjob is better than a 10min frag video."
- ElazuL: "You ♥♥♥♥♥♥ mlg pasta ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ italian douchbag. I still like you."
- Elazul (about italians): "cocky pasta suckers"
- «Gғм» KNTRL!: "fare lo sniper è la cosa più sick della storia della vita dell'uomo dalla nascita di tf2" --> "playing sniper is the sickest thing of human being's history since tf2 was born"
- Doktor: "dying getting upset about it is much worse than dying twice"
- Prof: "People will do anything to jump divs though"
- John³: "and we absolutely ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ suck horse ♥♥♥♥ when it comes to using momentum"
AftɘrBurnɘR: non rispondi mai
AftɘrBurnɘR: mai
AftɘrBurnɘR: MAI
- Alice's boyfriend: I AM INVADING YOU
Alice's boyfriend: best thing to say during sex
Alice's boyfriend: or
Alice's boyfriend: even better:
Alice's boyfriend: as a girl
Alice's boyfriend: if you were one ofc
Alice's boyfriend: "I am poland and you are nazi germany... INVADE ME"
A|ice!: ahahhahahahaha
A|ice!: i'm gonna try this soon
Alice's boyfriend: yeah
Alice's boyfriend: well not to historically accurate gf
Alice's boyfriend: especially fascist ones
Alice's boyfriend: but maybe you can after all you ARE Alice "The one man holocaust" Italia