So-ah, if you've sent me a friend's request, kindly leave a comment on my profile about how you know me. I don't normally accept friend's requests from complete strangers, so friends requests just outtah the blue tend to get Ignored. If you have public comments enabled on YOUR profile, I'll usually leave a comment asking if we've met. I mean, hey, everyone deserves a chance, yeah? If I don't get an answer within 24 hours, your request gets Ignored.
The following power-traders could benefit from your business:
LuriamEnd Cable Company ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ -- Again!
Read the Brief [],
Sign the Brief []If someone makes


on your Steam Community Profile, let me know. I'll help you

it up. Don't forget to bring the

, and be sure to warn someone if you're igniting the


. I'll bring the

And please, don't


until we're all done with the

and ready to clock out.
I'm'a gonna be completely honest here: I'm a 38-year-old woman (I guess I can't say "I'm not old!" anymore

). I grew up in the 90s, watching my father play such classic relics as DOOM, Duke Nukem 3D, and Unreal. Gaming is so thoroughly ingrained into my lifestyle I wouldn't what to do without it. I know some people are gonna think that makes me an easy target, but c'mon people, really? Are you really so insecure with yourself that you have to ♥♥♥♥ with
my gaming experience? I, who have likely been gaming since before you were
born ? Just lemme play, lemme virtually kill some people, an' we'll do just fine. An' who knows? Maybe we'll become buddies; that'd be pretty damn cool. You can never have too many buddies. Buddies are awesome.
Uhh, hey! Anyone got any Trading Cards, Emoticons, or Profile Backgrounds they don't want? Send 'em my way? Peese?

Thanks in advance!

Guardian image originally drawn by Leetah. [RB] tags added by CJ.