send me trade offer in this url thanks..... my TF2 so lag since March 09.It's like having a turbo pause enable in the game and it will get back to normal for like few secs from time to time.Since then I can't aim using sniper.Basically, I play all character with my instinct.It lags even more when in close combat.There's only frustration when I play alone.
dec 2010: ha! I change the graphic to the lowest,use direct x 8, the game become more normal.the FPS won't drop till 10 like last time.But Y? last time I played using the same configuration, is won't lag, but now will.
2011 Mar: Change new steam again? now lower graphic and use directx8 still to play like this....can't use my poly pyro to the max.....the lag is irritating....
2012: change comp,seldom lag, i could use my poly pyro to the max....yeah....
2012 0ct: why tf2 lag again? is frustrating....mmm...
2012 dec: lag cos wireless unstable.i need to change table to plug in wire network to play.troublesome.
2012 dec update: rescue ranger i love u, i have been waiting for this kind of my sentry is ultimate,even uber cant destroy it totally.
2013 Jan Y my favourite server is lagging? my ping can pop up to 200. dam lag to play like this. sad...
2013 April back to normal....but still abit lag...
2013 sept: favourite server nowaday not able to connect. the provider there have some problems.....down.......
2014 aug: server bit lag, basically can't use pyro to deflect missiles accurately..
2015 June: Just change lappie, fps gone was always10+, now can reach 60, kinda not use to the faster speed. But just one day later I change my house network to even faster. but the server ping intially is 60+ now goes up to 200. WTH.....what with the network. My workplace network which is slower, but the ping still remain 60+....WTH is happening with this provider....sian...bother me so much.
2016. Singtel actually takes half a year to solve my problem. Bcos of Ignorance very bad service. they alot of them never do sad the supervisor hire such pple.