PC Update: Upgraded dinky stock psu and slapped my old 1060 into it.
Now with 12,000 extra gigabytes of external storage.
NOT interested in trading.
***Class of 2010 & 2013***
--- Insert intense face-desking here. ---
I'm also on PS3/4/5, Xbox360 and Switch.
Apparently, playing music on HLDJ in Left 4 Dead is frowned upon.
We're both Aspies so please be respectful or we'll delete you.
Chris handles singlepayer while Bren handles multiplayer.
|Hamachi Groups|*
Reset for new pc.
If you would like to join one of these networks, talk to me about joining and I will give the password.
*Required to join in order to access my Minecraft, Terraria, Starbound, Garry's Mod, TF2, Star Wars Battlefront II (Is still a good game) and Killing Floor servers.**
**They will be up per request with me.
***All ready to go.
Important section of news goes here?
New PC = No more DEDlist...for now.
Some advice about the TF2 Market: Ya ain't gonna get a buyer to pay $300 for a Mann Co Key.
My Youtube Channel