banban: jef: just two hustlers taking in the sights...real ♥♥♥♥
banban: *inhales deeply* this is the life right here mayne we been through so much ♥♥♥♥ 2getha u know how it do everything in our lives led to this moment dawg now gimme some skin home boi and here's to the next 20 years of slingin bags mo♥♥♥♥a real talk
jef: wow
banban: if im home then yeah
Bobbert: ill massage you
Bobbert: *message
banban: lol
dingleberry wetwipe: I wish I was into scat
banban: lol
dingleberry wetwipe: like the perfect combo
dingleberry wetwipe: gay scat
dingleberry wetwipe: no fear
llama: 18 m looking to roleplay you being my sister and we've known each other since birth but then we find out that we have different dads so we ♥♥♥♥ a horse and let it ♥♥♥ all over both of us
banban: just wow
banban: whats the ip?
banban: for ts
wil.: i might not play now
banban: o
wil.: my brother wants to make a coat hanger..
banban: what
wil.: but that's it anyway
wil.: yeah lol
banban: you're ditching me to make a coat hanger
banban: ok
banban: barrel ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
banban: now imagine it
llama: you'd have to have a tiny ♥♥♥♥ for that
llama: lol
banban: stuff your softy in
banban: then get hard
llama: no
llama: i have done that
llama: do not
banban: rofl
llama: trust me
llama: i literally bruised my ♥♥♥♥
llama: i wanna be a bender
llama: oh god
banban: HAHAH
llama: why did i...
banban: well thats going on my profile
llama: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
MarkNUTT : my mum dont let me on no interwebs
9Dftw | sqrl : ur on it now
9Dftw | sqrl : your family is overprotective?
banban: does your dad wear 2 condoms
9Dftw | sqrl : LOL
9Dftw | sqrl : HAHAHA
MarkNUTT : whats a condom
9Dftw | sqrl : AHAHAHAHAHA
9Dftw | sqrl : HA
llama : im dying
llama : im actually dying right now
banban: can we please just take another moment to think about the image that is your dad huffing farts
sleeping spoder: no
sleeping spoder: we cant
banban: ok
banban: well
banban: im going to bed
sleeping spoder: night
sleeping spoder: have fun dreaming about my dad huffing farts or whtvr
banban: i dont want a wet dream lol
banban: bye
sleeping spoder: pls
sleeping spoder: my face rn
SiLvEr SlAsH : nice HAX you got there
Caber: !rep banban
yyael : :/ i cheat ?
yyael : il cheat il tire a travers les mur
aytheck : !voteban
yyael : banabn leave please you are chetaer
*DEAD* ♥D.T♥ winx #Goldie# : Hacker
*DEAD* Dishonoured Muffin : ♥♥♥♥ you
Player Dishonoured Muffin left the game (Disconnect by user.)
[BLACK-STAREЖ™] : cheater vien 1vs1 sans aimebor
Snail: shut up hacking bastard
matrinhueri222: baban hacer he kill me instant
Maximcz : !report