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I made this >>> Ͼ(◕ ‿ ◕)Ͽ
Weirdo star Pokémon I choose you ‿◕ >>> ✯
25 December 2014
13:57 - Fox: Accept maybe? :|
14:27 - Dr Batman PhD: I don't even haz dat gyme m9
14:28 - Fox: Do I care?
14:29 - Dr Batman PhD: Do i care if you care?
14:29 - Fox: Do I care if you care if I care?
14:30 - Dr Batman PhD: Do i care if you care if i care if you care?
14:30 - Fox: Yes.
14:30 - Fox: Because you are my brother.
14:30 - Fox: And we #nohomo love each other.
14:39 - Dr Batman PhD: Do you even care bro?!!?! go grow a beard and spray paint it white then sit in an old crooky chair singing batman songs, becuse i will ♥♥♥♥♥♥ shank you with my 9mm subatomic Television YEYEYEYEYE?!?!?! i'll rek u, you know why?!!??! DO YOU?!?!? BCUZ I DO CARE MA NEEGA< NOW have a very merry crimbus and enjpy yhe whole seasonal ♥♥♥♥, yeyeyeye.
14:39 - Dr Batman PhD: Enjoy
14:39 - Fox: I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love you.
14:40 - Dr Batman PhD: #nohomo
05 September 2014
12:29 - Habilax: why is batman batman?
12:32 - Dr Batman PhD: BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!
12:30 - Habilax: correct
12:30 - Habilax: 10/10
12:30 - Habilax: would batman again
10 April 2014
23:58 - Chappy: No
23:59 - Chappy: It bounced off the roof, off the wall behind me, then off the floor and into me from behind
23:59 - Chappy: I had no chance to dodge or react becausei t was so fast
23:59 - Dr Batman PhD: HAhaha
07 April 2014
15:47 - Dr Batman PhD: Batman is better
15:47 - Stranger: oh, i prefer superman
15:47 - Dr Batman PhD: ha ha
15:47 - Dr Batman PhD: Nope, i think Batman is the better man
15:47 - Stranger: but batman doesn't have superpowers o:
15:47 - Dr Batman PhD: Exactly
15:48 - Dr Batman PhD: And he can do all this, w/o powers
15:48 - Dr Batman PhD: Doesn't that just say it all?
15:48 - Stranger: oh, you are right o: how old are you?
08 August 2013
16:36 - Dr Batman PhD: Hi
16:36 - Makarintosh: hi batman!
16:37 - Bitmicro (1): What's your PhD in?
16:37 - Der Gassler left chat.
16:38 - Dr Batman PhD