syath: you donate plasma to pay rent
Route: nursey gets my wood up tbh
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{REDACTED}: sorry that took so quickly
7:31 PM - Feroaffer: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ noses
7:31 PM - Feroaffer: so powerful
7:31 PM - Feroaffer: imagine a snake wiggling around then snapping to its prey
7:31 PM - Feroaffer: thats how i see your nose to your mouse
*DEAD* RING ME : i hate u joe
*DEAD* RING ME : stupid ni
DoubleEdge751 : Dear Sofa King before I leave I leave you with a message. Go ♥♥♥♥ yourself. From A very pissed off person
Sunday, September 18, 2016
3:06 AM - Miggy | FLan.TF: i use your tagline at work and everyone hates me for it cause i say it often as ♥♥♥♥ to purposely annoy them
3:06 AM - Miggy | FLan.TF: THE NOSE KNOWS
Baddies R Us: Let us pray as our father has taught us.
Baddies R Us: Our Gaben who art in Washington
Baddies R Us: Hallowed be thy games
Baddies R Us: Thy sales will come, thy will be done
Baddies R Us: On steam as it is in heaven.
Baddies R Us: Give us this day our daily Gabe
Baddies R Us: And forgive us our
Baddies R Us: Guest passes
Baddies R Us: As we forgive those whom guest pass against us
Baddies R Us: Lead us not into WubstepFPS
Baddies R Us: But deliver us from EA
Baddies R Us: For the steam games, the market, and the half life is yours
Baddies R Us: Now and forever
Baddies R Us: Gaben.