proluge- teh stury uf 2 bund bi luv luvrs, dey b ded nao bcuz uf ppl runing drems.
teh stury of maceroni and cring.
1 dai bejay was not cring. cring bcame sum1 eventualy. bejay was tired. he had to run, and he luved to sit on ass. barul is rud about cravun. jewby always yeld at me, and stuf.
cravun did sumtin difrnt tho. cravun said '♥♥♥ uf begay' and i cring den. cring is mem, mem is cring. i ped on mum and cring. cravun lauft at me. i luv mem tho. cring is cring
hao funy. lng stury shurt, i crid in a crib, and cring.
cravun and burl left tugehtr, 2 huld hands in harship. i laved pankakekkk, seerupygoodness in me mumscar. i cring wen cravun no ship me fre sweatshop make sweatshirt. i writ sturies
4 him 2 red. he laft at me, i cring. cring is me, i am cring, cring likes csgo, cring thinks he wood get fap kniv duplo lego project. cring mad dis.
dai tre, i liv difrtnly, bejay is gun. bejay is life doe. jon doe is kel 2 u no. i tink cring is betr doe. bt posbily cring is cring and kinese plp mak me cring. i got jun wek
cumdumptser band and stuf, and i got no knev, cring eryday til 199999999999999999, long time, i no. cravun lie on peolp, cuz he fat.
nao u mai b wandering in park and tink, weight, i fat. butthole den u relize, i nevr gotta go fst tu lern y macernoni n cring. cring tel u nao. cring had macaroni and chez chez rimes
with cring. duh, change namestae. i stil need knv, i gro wek. wek is bad, fud, need, watr, pe, po, powowowowow, jewby red me lik autisticbanana and trains ned baronimakaroniand
stuf. i no run, but i prod, i produck music. music mak me money. i rich and provid me mum wit a car. i can den say 'i in me car dat my mum borow'- cring pt 4
fif saja uf dis. tims hav changd. i also change pants, kel rite? i flied a cite and did. i did su hard i ded. i ded but ded katzerooni brot me bak. i fli lik papr. it is quiet,
buthole do i like it? it is cring wurty. i cringd me mums pants. u mai wundr y i onli rit bad gramr und atistic n stf. barul returnd and stuf. barl decid 2 b men 3 me. he no red me
gr8 jurney band- gr8 band, wud recomendationmadekewl. i just wunder weer pandasheepsuicidialthoughts wo neds therpy went. he cring so hard, i tink he b mre cring den me. gaby n
newl faild me, and mad me mum go down drain in mumey 26 tausnd munemys, i wil retrn nuter day, but unly wen me creater, jezuznigadociouscrist, returns-cring rebirth

sith prt uf dis. cring b sad d. it so saad it floopy. i rapy but at da sam tim, it is sad. cruvn led on me, but i mor sad abut carber lif insurancing hands. gluv wurld is me favurit tim uf de dai. i nut sur weter i mor sed abut mor muney or penis a dey. i ask 4 peny, and cravn stamped me humwurk. jewby gut scumed be cravn, i no sur weter dis becum pubic. he led on me cuz he fat. fap kniv duplo lego project, powowowowowow, and begay ar al ded ;c. teh scam is rel, but trget is mad me sad. tuday i mak lung sturi. i hop for peny, an cravn mak museec chnel. i tel marvel sturie abut cravun send 26 tausend mumeys, but he nevr buy acc. i sad, but not 2 sad. i not mad, jus disapoint.- final message of cring(p.s. cring is ded 4evr, and wil nevr evr evr evr evr evr evr ver ♥♥♥ aliv.)
unespected seben part uf dis, jewby is mad at me, nd i hav nu idea y. y is a letr, jus like a. a is teh bumbsite i did nut wutch jewby's bum. i sadder kitten nao, bcuz dey ♥♥♥♥♥ defuzed ;c i cring nao bcuz i sayd. cring ded, but aparantly no. no is me, nd suiside ist unly uption. -cring, but my namestae no cring, bcuz cring is ded. 4 i ever b criingy.