I've always identified as a p250 sand dune. Not just any p250 sand dune though, I identify as a transgender p250 sand dune. Just because I was born with a penis does not mean I am human. I fully believe that I am a p250 sand dune. Therefore, I have gone on the quest to collect all of my bretheren in the game to transform in to one of them. If you would like to contribute to my cause, any donations are accepted :). Thank you.
Autobiography growing up as a p250 Sand Dune
Chapter 1
I had always thought of myself as a typical guy, I played baseball, loved videogames, and most of all, cs:go. Then came the day that I turned 7. I got my first Steam card then, it was worth $5. Instantly I redeemed it and went to the community market to see what I could buy. At that moment, I instantly knew what I wanted.
Chapter 2
On the front page of the Counterstrike: Global - Offensive community market, something beautiful struck my eye. It was a p250 Sand Dune. I had never seen one before, and now i knew that I needed this skin more than ever. I instantly spent the entire $5 steam card on p250 Sand Dunes. It bought me 125 sand dunes. Those are still in my inventory to this day.
Chapter 3
After I bought my first 125 p250 Sand Dunes, I began seeing them as brethern instead of as skins. I knew the p250 Sand Dunes would never judge me, they loved me for who I was after I had rescued them from the depths of page 173 on the Steam Market.
Chapter 4
I could feel the p250 Sand Dunes were taking over me, everyday I wanted to become one of them more and more. I needed to transform in to a p250 Sand Dune, and most of all, tell my parents who I truly was.
Chapter 5
Coming out of the eco-round was not an easy thing for me, my parents seemed dumbfounded. My dad, more like an AWP | Dragon Lore, instantly called me a "♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dumbass" and yelled at me to sell all of my sand dunes. However, I couldn't.
Chapter 6
However, my dad has finally accepted who I am and now gives me his "♥♥♥♥" skins to sell for sand dunes, however that is not enough. I need to collect 500 p250 sand dunes to become a sand dune. And this is where you, my readers, come in to play. I will sell any donations given to me to create an army of p250 sand dunes in order to fund my lifestyle. Please support me to prove you aren't racist. Thank you.