Sit up straight in a chair with the keyboard or laptop at a comfortable height on the table or desk.
Put your feet flat on the floor.
Place the screen so it’s 15 to 25 inches from your eyes, and in a position where you are looking down slightly.
Keep your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle and try to expose your shoulders, arms, wrists and elbows to as little strain as possible. You want to avoid developing any habits that would cause repetitive stress injury long-term.
Before you start, examine the keys. For standard English-language keyboards, the layout is called "QWERTY"—a non-alphabetical arrangement that’s been around since the 1800s. Some keyboards might have some of the function keys in different places or might be slightly curved in the middle or on the edges for ergonomics, but the alphabet and punctuation keys will be in the same place.
Place your left and right pointer fingers on the F and the J keys. Many keyboards have a little raised tab on those letters so you can orient your fingers without looking. Let the rest of your fingers on each hand fall on the remaining keys in the home row (D, S, and A for the left hand; K, L, and ; for the right hand). Both thumbs rest on the space bar.
With your fingers positioned on the home row, you’ll train your hands to reach all the other keys without having to look. This is called "touch typing." Essentially, each finger is responsible for the keys just above and below the home row key it sits on. Try to imagine vertical dividers around each finger. The right pinky is responsible for the return, shift, and delete keys, and the left pinky is for the shift, caps lock, and tab keys. It may feel awkward at first since our pinky fingers aren’t always strong, but with practice, it will feel more natural.
League is fun and I enjoy playing
I was wrong b4
is better than broken ded tf2
brb poo pooing -ß·mlgdragonskatermcß·