Welcome to Camp Navarro... a civilian! How in the hell did a civilian get on this base? I'll have someone's ass for dinner! Get this civilian off government property!
Well I'll be damned. I had you escorted off this base and here you are again. I don't think you're a civilian after all. More than likely you're a spy! Sound the alarm and execute this maggot!
Oh, lovely. They've sent me a mo-ron. Listen closely. You will stand guard at the hangar. This is your duty post. You will go there now and stay on guard until told otherwise. Now move it, soldier!
I am not a sir! I work for a living you mo-ron! You will call me Sergeant or Sergeant Dornan do you understand me?
Outstanding. Proceed on the double to the hangar where you will stand guard duty. You will do a fine job. Do you understand?
You mo-ron, you are not to question my orders! When I say jump, you jump! When I say fight, you fight! When I tell you to die for your country, then you will certainly die! Have I made myself clear?
Welcome to Camp Navarro. So, you're the new replacement... You are out of uniform, soldier! Where is your power armor? Don't have any? You expect me to believe that, maggot? The truth is you lost an expensive piece of army-issue equipment. That suit is going to come out of your pay, and you will remain in this mans army until you are five hundred and ten years old, which is the number of years it will take for you to pay for a Mark II Powered Combat Armor you have lost! Report to the armory and have a new suit issued to you, then report back to me, private! Dismissed!
If I like you, you can call me Sarge. But guess what? I don't like you! Do you understand?
Excellent! You're in uniform now so I'm going to give you a rare opportunity. We are going to start over as if I never met your sorry ass. Would you like that, soldier?
Soldier, you are still out of uniform. I gave you a direct order to report to supplies and get your issue. Now, get out of my face and don't come back until you look like a soldier! This is the second time you have come to me out of uniform, Soldier. There will not be a third!
Trooper, what are you doing here? Get back to your guard post! Mo-ron. If I see you away from your post again, it will be the sorriest day of your short life! You are a danger to us all. That will end now.