Prince of Thab, God of Jailbreak, Lord of The High council, Daddy of Olivia54679, and King of Ragcom. Known as: Krimson, Krim, Prince, Krimmy, Krimsom, Blacky, Vishnu, Panda, Daddy, Brother, Jaylay, Bottom ♥♥♥♥♥, Papi Chulo, Kromosome, Jaelatin, Simba, Kulture,Frokage.
Discord: Krimson#7913
So stressed im calm.
I'm not anything special l'm just a guy playing videogames, killing everyone he sees and somehow making friends in the processGender: Dark Chocolate
Best friends period
Daum: First friend on thab, A true ♥♥♥♥♥ and showed me his nudes.
Olivia: I stole your heart, you stole my binds. Its a never ending game princess. Plus she's my watermelon bunny. Also thanks for the tater tots
Goman: Best birthday present ever
Blank: _______________
Neverend: A poetic friend trapped by the american educational system who sadly has turned even more gay than before.
Mayva: my good potatoe/noodle/toaster/topbitch friend
MetelNeko: my weird little sister who wants to razzle dazzle
Heroshi_Sataru: My prop hunt brother.
Caly: A lost friend, but a good one nonetheless
Miyuki: Shipped lanceXkeith till the end.
Block: Still the youngest
Luna: Covered in fur and white privilege.
Cali: An ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that would always bully me, But the best ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around
Amos: " why am I not on this list"
Nox: The preverted friend that claims hes not gey but really is.
Red: Gets banned every other week, still somehow always has a higherscore.
Quickstart: Owns too many hentai games. Like and subscribe.
Fav color: I think its blue today
Fav pokemon: Raichu, Luxray, and Giratina not in that order
Fav anime opening Dragon Ball z Kai English Dub
DC is the Best. Just accpet it Olivia you know its trueCaptain of THC
Yes I change my profile picture all the time get over it I will always have the same name.
My ranks
THAB: Head Admin and Keeper of the Peace
Beast gaming: Admin Sod Deathrun: Moderator Crucial Strangers: HeadAdmin Hai TTT: Operator Trophy of Dawn Deathrun: AdminQuotesWe spent all that money repairing our body and mind when we should have just spent time.
"I am N'JADAKA, son of Prince N'JOBU! I found my daddy with panther claws in his chest! You ain't the son of a King, you're the son of a murderer!"
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change..
And the wisdom to know the difference
Efficiency is just clever laziness
Super Sayian Jalen-Nox
Why is everyone so overwhelmed? Why can't anyone be just whelmed.
„The definition of a hero is someone who is concerned about other people’s well-being, and will go out of his or her way to help them – even if there is no chance of a reward. That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt. A real superhero“
- Stan Lee 1922-2018
Hey look all of these quotes were said by the same personI’m a white woman watermelon bunny
I am your dream girl-Olivia
Krimsons a black man
in another gang fight
and I think to myself,
make earth a pure white world.-Olivia
Krimson: Excuse me ma'am would you like a tic tac
Olivia: Yes, Is there a long, thick, throbbing, dark chocolate one?
@Krimson remember when we first got T-Mod together? As we got that rank the day after we called and we were talking about being staff and stuff. We kept making little bets on wether I could get us promoted by a certain date. I always won the bet didn’t I? Was great being your lil promotion buddy the past couple years <3
Olivia: Prince in the streets and a king in the sheets
Krimson: Princess in the streets and my ♥♥♥♥♥ in the sheets
Olivia stole my profile and won't give it back.
My gf not yours