For as fluent as I am in bullsh*t, It still takes effort to translate you
- Still me - 26.8.19
Self worth is a myth
-me -9.3.2019
Yuki: Eh, governments should hurry up in toning down toxic emissions.
Me: unfortunately that comes under free speach
- 3.8.2018
MadEyeJackel64 : Nothing like shooting urine at long range at a wave of murderous robots 25.6.2018
Nothing lasts forever, it never has and never will. In the moment you don't even think that it will end, the thought hardly ever crosses your mind. Even when the end is nigh and you know it will happen; you convince yourself you're prepared. But it's all a lie, a rouse to try and cushion the blow that is the innevitable end on what you used to love and hold dear, is finally here. Even if you have days maybe even weeks notice. The Blow is still just as powerful. Time drags by as your mind turns to a count-down clock. The onset of the 5 stages of grief. Denile, Anger, Barganing, Deppresion and finally, Acceptance. even if you have come to terms with what will happen, your stomach still feels heavy, there's a lump in your throat that cannot be moved. Even if you try to distract yourself, you begin to feel guilty for not thinking about it. You seem to notice more things in your day linking with what you will lose ... bringng back the grief. I learnt this too late. How the innosence and love of not only a dog but a life-long friend is snatched away by old-age ... and in my case a tumor. Even now, he is still alive, but I sit here, typing this rather than sitting with him, cherishing what little time we have left together ...
- Based on the ill-fate of my beloved dog, Dixie. You were the best lapdog I could of ever asked for or dreamed of. I hope you find peace and possibly happiness, goodnight Mitsy ... I will remember you.
- Me - 16.07.17 - 12:17AM
I wonder what it's like to be someone else. I can't be just me who sits and wonders what others must be thinking. How they view you and the world ... Sure they can easily say what they think, but they can also easily lie. I like to think, everyone does something for a reason. I also like to belive at the core of that reason, is something that benefits them. If you think about it, the idea is very plausible. You are extreemly unlikely to do something that does not and will not, of your own free will, do something that will never benefit you.
Back to what others can be thinking ... its even worse in this technological age of ours. In the old days, at least you could biew the person in qiestions face ... now, not only are you shrouded by the interned, but by anonimity as well ... So what can you do? Is them not replying down to perfectly timed circumstance? Or are they looking for you to leave them alone for good by habing you do it so their conscience is free? Well ... we shall never know.
- Me - 17.06.17 - 3:45AM
In life, you can either sit there and feel hard done by. Or you can move on with your life. Which one will be the most preductive? Sure life has more downs than ups, but you have to have the grit to not give a flying pig sh*t about that, and habe the grit to carry on!
- Me - 17.03.17 - 4:09AM
Rest in peace Dixie, you were the best lap-dog I could ever wish for or dream of. I hope you enjoyed your life and you knew I loved you every step of the way. Sleep well.
2006 - 18.8.2017