Rise and shine, Mister Freeman. Rise and... shine.... PL:
Witam na moim profilu steam
Jestem osob膮, kt贸ra lubi r贸偶nego typu gry. Na czasie i nie.
Moj膮 ulubion膮 natomiast gr膮 jest Half life 2
. Jestem z ni膮 od 2010
Mam te偶 kana艂 na YT ale nic si臋 tam nie dzieje od 2018 No wiecie Szko艂a, Matura, Studia, Praca itp.
Sk膮d nazywa ? M贸j nick powsta艂 w wyniku po艂膮czenia imienia kt贸rym pos艂uguje si臋 tylko w necie czyli Otto i okre艣lenie Won mi stond (terenu) ale z 偶eby brzmia艂o bardziej po niemiecku czyli Von.
Dlaczego masz VAC? D艂uga historia lecz w skr贸cie nie warto robi膰 czego艣 czego potem mo偶na mocno 偶a艂owa膰
Sk膮d jeste艣? Polska, Rzesz贸w (dawniej Moj偶esz贸w)
Wymieniasz si臋? Ju偶 nie, nie kr臋ci mnie ju偶 to
1. Update
1.Prosz臋 nie dodawaj mnie do znajomych je艣li nie masz min 5 poziom.
Ostatnio na platformie parowej kr臋ci si臋 za du偶o naci膮gaczy. 2.Posiadaj jak膮艣 p艂atn膮 gre nie tylko te darmowe.
B臋d臋 widzia艂, 偶e nie jeste艣 botem a faktycznym, u偶ytkownikiem. 3.Osoby na profilu maj膮ce wy艂膮czone komentarze lub ekwipunek prywatny s膮 natychmiastowo usuwane lub ignorowani
To samo co w 1. cz臋sto takie konta to z艂odzieje, a mi by艂o by szkoda straci膰 to konto. 2. Update:
Je艣li ci臋 doda艂em to znajomych;
1. Spodoba艂 mi si臋 tw贸j profil
2. Spodoba艂a mi si臋 twoja recenzja gry
3. Gracz w to samo co ja
4. Znamy si臋 {Tylko sk膮d?}
{M贸j PC
* Karta Graficzna: AMD Radeon RX 6600
* Procesor: Intel(R) Core i5-6400
* RAM: 16GB
* S艂uchawki: MAD DOG 7.1 Gaming Headset
* Mysz: MAD DOG GM805
* Klawiatura: MAD DOG GK850K Gateron Red
* Monitor: ASUS ROG Swift Pro PG248Q
Welcome to my steam profile
I am a person who likes different types of games.
My favorite game is Half Life 2.
. I've been with it since 2010.
I also have a YT channel but nothing has happened there since 2018. You know, school, high school certificate, studies, work, etc.
Your nickname? My nickname is a combination of the name I use only on the Internet, Otto, and the term Won mi stond (terrain), but to make it sound more German Von.
Why do you have VAC? Long story, but in short, it's not worth doing something that you may regret later
Where are you from? Poland, Rzesz贸w (formerly Moj偶esz贸w)
Are you traiding? Not anymore, it doesn't excite me anymore
1. Please do not add me to your friends if you are not at least level 5
There have been too many scammers on the steam. 2. Have not only free games.
I will see that you are not a bot but an actual user. 3.People on the profile with disabled comments or private inventory are immediately removed or ignored
The same as in 1. often such accounts are thieves, and it would be a shame to lose this account. If I added you, to friends because;
1. I liked your profile
2. I liked your review of the game
3. You plays the same game i like
4. We know each other {but from where?}
{My PC
* GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6600
* CPU: Intel(R) Core i5-6400
* RAM 16GB
* Headphones: MAD DOG 7.1 Gaming Headset
* Mouse: MAD DOG GM805
* Keyboard: MAD DOG GK850K Gateron Red
* Monitor: ASUS ROG Swift Pro PG248Q