right foot creep oo walking on a sneed stay low gunning on some feed.
The call me the master or none, and the trader of all jacks, or Kleenex.
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uh oh stinky
Bizzare beliefs
coupled with disorders of thought
Outwardly evidenced by:
poor grooming habits, decline in activities in daily living
increasingly isolative
poor communication skills-either mutism, or word salad, tangential, or pressured speech
awkward "tics" or movements-mainly jerky
not to be confused with tardive dyskensia
Early onset is rare,
typically first episode is 17-22
late onset should rule out dementias , alzheimers, or brain tumors
Certain types of toxicity in the body can lead to schizophrenic type symptoms,
gas leaks, and some molds
"the mystery car, which, even as we speak, darkens our domain under a moldy tarp in an auto cocoon on my front lawn.”
LeATher BeLT!