Hey everyone, this is part 65 of my Henry Stickmin playthrough. Today I’m going to be doing the part with the tank... But uhh- before we get started... I just wanna thank my sponsor- IF you like the video, just punch that like. Punch the subscribe. Uh, slap that support button- Then they got the red-haired girl from Fleeing the Complex. She comes in- Sees the big tank. And you wanna choose walkthrough here, and it will make a guy come out and he keeps saying stuff like- Uhh welcome back to part 65 of my Henry Stickmin playthrough walkthrough- Before I get started, be sure to like, comment, subscribe on my video- This game has a lot of fails in it. I’m only like half way through- Brings you up three choices. Um. And when you select walkthrough, it a video of this guy doing a walkthrough and he keeps saying like- Hey everyone, I’m playing-uhh Henry Stickmin today... Gonna do a walkthrough here- Make sure you leave a comment, it’s very important. It helps me out um- This parts a huge spoiler so if you don’t wanna see, you should probably close your eyes- Now when we get to this tank part, you wanna pick walkthrough. It’ll play a video of a guy who... starts talking and he’s like- Hey everyo- What’s up guys. Time for another walkthrough. This is part 65 of Henry Stickmin gaming- Don’t forget to like, don’t forget to comment, and um- to subscribe- I didn’t expect that to show up here, but I guess that... they can do anything- We’re in the tent now. And uh- I’m gonna pick walkthrough here. It pulls up a video of this super boring guy who just says- What’s up guys? Playin’ Henry Stickmin today. Doin’ a walkthrough- Um- Follow me on Insgram, follow me on Fazebook, follow me on uh- Pimbus- Can’t believe they are able to reference this... really obscure- Alright so now you’re at the tank. And if you pick walkthrough, you get this big dumbo who’s all- Hey guys- This is gonna be a walkthrough of... Henry Stickmin... game-